Monday, December 5, 2011

How You Can Combat Your Acne Today

By Jenny Low

Nobody thinks that having acne is good. Having a giant zit embarrasses most people. Dealing with breakouts is something that most of us hope that we will grow out of in time. Taking care of your skin is the only real way to keep your pores unclogged and to keep acne at bay. Whether or not you want to believe it, the fact is that there are adults well into their thirties, forties and even later who experience acne so severe it rivals that of teenage acne. Here are some of the things that you can put into practice to keep acne off of your face. This article will teach you how to combat acne and breakouts.

A good cleanser is key to keeping acne from causing breakouts. It should go without saying that your cleanser should not have an oily base, but that is not the only thing you need to look at when you shop for your cleanser. Salicylic acid is something else that is important. This is one of the most important ingredients in harsher cleansers that are meant for people whose breakouts are prolonged and severe. In a "regular" cleanser though, the strength of the salicylic acid is just enough to zap the bacteria and clean out your pores. As you get older though and your skin gets thinner you should use salicylic acid containing products primarily for spot treatment.

Do your best to keep your hands away from your face. Have you ever thought about how often you touch your face each day? The contact between our faces and our hands is partly to blame for our acne problems. Take a minute to think about this. Whenever you touch something and then, later, touch your face, it is sort of like rubbing that object into your pores. When rest your face in your hands, the oil from your hands is transferred to your face and clogs the pores. This is partly what makes it so easy for you to catch the flu: you pick up something that has been touched by someone who is sick and then later brush something off of your face and transfer the germs right onto your face where they have easy access to your nose, eyes, mouth, ears and pores: all places to infect with the flu! This is why you should try not touch your face with your hands.

Washing your hands often during the day is a good idea if you are not able to stop yourself from touching your face. Keep the zits away by washing your hands a lot throughout every day.

Lower your stress level! Did you know that your acne and breakouts can be caused by a stress level that is too high? Make some time for relaxation every day. Learning how to stay calm in high stress environments is a good idea. A change in lifestyle might be worth exploring if your daily life is filled to the brim with extremely stressful situations. Finding time for yourself is imperative for your mental health and it is important for your skin!

Treat your acne in whatever way works best for you. Whether you need a strong chemical based cleanser or can get by with just some natural ingredients, your choices are wide and varied. Some people find that treating acne is as easy as getting into a regular exercise routine and eating a natural and balanced diet. Finding the ultimate cure for your acne is a trial and error process. It shouldn't take too long before you discover the acne remedy that works best for you. Be patient-you can have perfect skin!

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