Saturday, December 10, 2011

Curing Acne Information You Should Know About

By Ailene Cano

Everyone should not take acne lightly, especially for those who are inflicted with serious cases. There are many possible contributing factors that may lead to further aggravation and worsening of the condition. This may include but not limited to poor dietary habits, hormonal imbalance, bacterial infection, as well as complications brought about by prolonged acne treatments with antibiotics. As a good start, knowing the different kinds of acne can significantly help in finding the right ways of curing acne.

Acne Vulgaris is the most common type of acne. Falling under this category are papules, blackhead, pustules, nodules, whiteheads, and cysts. But In this article, we'll be focusing more on the other serious types of acne including Acne Rosacea, Acne Fulminans, Acne Conglobata, Pyoderma Faciale or Rosacea Fulminans, and lastly Gram-Negative Folliculitis. These severe conditions may lead to severe and deep scarring that may cause irreversible skin damage.

Acne Rosacea is affecting millions of people worldwide. It is more prevalent to those whose ages are more than 30 years. Its looks maybe similar and may be confused with acne Vulgaris, but Rosacea is a totally different condition. It is typically confined to the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead area, sporting a red rash accompanied by pimples, bumps, and other skin blemishes. Although more common in women the male gender who are diagnosed with it often developed a more serious case. It can cause swelling of the nose area if not treated where, growth of excess tissue called Rhinophyma may develop.

Gram-Negative Folliculitis is a bacterial infection that may be developed via prolonged Acne Vulgaris treatment with antibiotics. It is indicated by the presence of cysts and pustules and is often treated effectively with isotretinoin. Acne Conglobata is more common in males between the ages of 18 and 30, and is considered as the most severe form of Acne Vulgaris.

Pyoderma Faciale or Risacea Fulminans only affect females of between 20 to 40 years of age. Pustules, sores, and large painful nodules are characteristics of this condition. Acne Fulminans is more prevalent among Caucasian men. The abrupt onset has conglobata-like symptoms and includes joint aches and fever as well.

The internet offers many resources like acne eBooks and articles with a wide array of discussions like acne diet, acne treatments, and many others, should you need more information about the matter. Plus it is always a good thing to know a lot about things that might come in handy anytime.

Thanks for your time, hopefully you learned something from this article! Check out Acne Erasing Secrets on Youtube or Facebook below to learn more!

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