Sunday, July 29, 2012

Acne Home Remedies Using Simple Ingredients

By Irene Messenger

You can find hundreds of home remedies for acne in books, magazines and online. How do you know which ones really work? While you can look into research and testimonials, sometimes the best approach is to simply try something and see if it works for you. Of course, you need to find information on side effects, but that's something you should do anyway whenever you're considering using any kind of treatment. Below are a few acne home remedies that many people have found to be effective.

Tea tree oil is an excellent remedy for acne. Tea tree oil is a natural acne remedy that shares a lot of similarities with OTC and prescription acne medications. While you probably wouldn't have tea tree oil laying around at home, you can buy it easily online or from any health food stores.

Vitamin E is a nutrient that can help heal acne. This is an essential vitamin for many reasons, but if you have acne it is especially important. You can help improve your skin with Vitamin E used either externally or internally. You can take a Vitamin E supplement in addition to any multivitamins you might be already taking. You can also try using Vitamin E creams, gels, and soaps. Then there are facial cleansers you can buy that contain Vitamin E and other ingredients. This is one simple ingredient that can be a valuable ally in your battle against acne. Exfoliating is a beneficial skin treatment that can help control acne. The process of exfoliating gets rid of dead skin cells. Acne can also be caused by to much oil in the skin and exfoliating removes excess oil as well. However, you also have to be careful not to be too harsh when doing this. If you've already got acne, avoid scrubbing your skin too much or too roughly because this could make your acne problem worse. Using a facial scrub once or twice per week is sufficient. A bristle brush is too harsh for your face or any other part of you that has acne. Use a soft washcloth for washing your face. Exfoliation can be beneficial for acne if it's done gently and not too often.

You want to know more about does meladerm work, but the other important side of the coin is that you have to get up and move on it. Take action on this because that is the only thing that will help you. If you want things to change in a positive way, then you need to find a way to motivate your self on a daily basis. There is really a form of momentum in our lives, and the hard part for most is just simply getting started. Everybody with a need to know this information can do something with it, just make sure you are one who does. After saying all of that, it is time to move forward.

One home remedy for acne that you will already have in your bathroom is toothpaste. However, gel toothpaste won't work for this. We're talking about the regular toothpaste. The toothpaste shouldn't be a whitening toothpaste as well because this toothpaste would be too harsh on the skin. What you want to use is ordinary white toothpaste. When applied on pimples, it promotes faster healing. Toothpaste actually works very much like how a facial mask works: it absorbs the oils on the skin and promotes clearer skin.

For a long time, we have been using natural remedies for treating acne. Not every remedy works for every person, as acne has many causes and is more severe in some cases than others. But the acne home remedies we mentioned in this article have been very effective, as many people have used them for many years. The great thing about them is that they neither cost a lot of money or time.

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