Saturday, September 10, 2011

Why Acne is Not Fun

By Andreia Alves

Nobody thinks that having acne is good. Dealing with zits and pimples is something that most people find embarrassing. Most of us feel like pimples and acne are things we should have grown out of when we left our teenage years. Unfortunately, not practicing proper skin care means that your teenage acne will never fully go away. Believe it or not there are some adults whose acne is so bad they feel like they have never left puberty! Here are some of the things that you can put into practice to keep acne off of your face. Keep reading to find out how you can keep your face clean and clear!

Take it easy on your face when you wash it. Do not scrub your face! Putting too much pressure on your face when you wash can take off layers of the skin and leave it vulnerable to oil and breakouts. Yes your face might feel extra clean right after you finish scrubbing but it won't take long for it to feel painful because the skin on your face is very easily damaged! You don't want to have scrubbing scars do you? Good face washing means finding the balance between firmness and being gentle. Don't worry--it can be done! A bright red face is not the goal! A flushed face is okay as long as it is not bright red. A little bit of a glow is healthy but resembling a stop sign is not.

The first thing you need to do is find a good cleanser. It should go without saying that your cleanser should not have an oily base, but that is not the only thing you need to look at when you shop for your cleanser. You should also look at the salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is often found in cleansers that are harder on the skin and meant for people who suffer from severe acne. It is also used in "regular" cleansers though in lesser amounts that are meant to just be strong enough to kill bacteria and wash out your pores. Unfortunately, as you get older, your skin will become more sensitive and using salicylic acid cleansers regularly will be bad so you should save them for spot treatments later on.

If you find that you can't help but touch your face, make sure that your hands are always clean! Keep those hands clean by washing them throughout the day!

Have you thought about using natural products to help you fight your acne? Have you ever tried using toothpaste on a zit before? Once a zit or pimple is completely formed, squeeze some toothpaste onto it and leave it alone overnight. Lock the pets out of the bedroom overnight so that they won't try to taste the toothpaste or lick it off of your face and in the morning your zit will be a lot smaller than it was-it might even be gone! Lots of people use egg whites to clean their faces and reduce their breakouts. Egg whites can be used both as facial masks and as spot treatments for zits.

Keeping acne away does not have to involve expensive or complicated facial care routines. Having a clean face is the easiest way to prevent breakouts. Don't be too hard with your face because your skin is sensitive! The idea is to clean your face without stripping off the skin!

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