Thursday, September 22, 2011

Being Affected By The Heartbreak Of Acne Is Severely Devastating

By Gretchen Robertvine

An acne outbreak is in most cases an agonizing experience and can impact heavily on one's self esteem and general well-being. The heartbreak of acne has many faces and a low self-esteem is only one of them. As it is mostly teens that are affected with this problem it does play a huge role in their behaviour patterns. You can get numerous treatment options for acne, such as medications, face rinse methods, and the DPL Nuve light therapy system. Even so, the results of these options vary widely by individual.

Puberty is a time when the hormones go into overdrive and excessive production causes an oil build-up in the skin. As bacteria is also present in the build-up it is not long before zits start to develop on the skin. In the long term the teen may suffer from psychological effects if the condition is severe and persistent.

In today's world body image has blown way out of proportion and those suffering with acne problems face an unusually tough battle to fit into society. Severe outbreaks could make anyone feel very insecure. One's confidence may also receive a heavy knock. Teenagers normally find this situation quite difficult to cope with as they hope to interact more freely with the opposite sex.

Teenage acne sufferers tend to retreat into their own world than face a public where they might be ridiculed or laughed at. In their own space they can perhaps cope with the inflammatory acne infection. Bunking school or college may also be a safer alternate until it has to some extent cleared up. They may lose out for not attending and could to some degree cause problems in their education.

Another heartbreaking cause of acne is depression and youngsters that are affected must be kept under surveillance if any sign of it is noticed. A significant sign of depression would be mood swings and drastic behavioral changes. Regularly expressing feelings of worthlessness and a noticeable drop in weight should be a good cause of concern.

Serious doubts have occurred about the effectiveness of conventional antibiotic medications for acne. Research has discovered that side effects such as headaches, heart problems, jaundice and arthritis can be linked with certain treatments. Yeast infections also occur in woman who use the treatment. The antibiotic has been found to eliminate the natural bacteria that fights yeast infections.

According to researchers the body will not have an acne breakout if there is a zinc/copper balance that prevails. They have also discovered that excessive copper in the blood can lead to a severe adrenalin deficiency and cause liver problems. At the same instance the much needed zinc levels deplete while the copper increases. To create a proper balance foodstuff that are heavily laden with copper should be avoided and those that contain zinc should be increased. As the liver function improves so does the overall condition of the body including the skin.

The heavy metal copper is prevalent in most teas, coffees, chocolates and all kinds of shellfish. Zinc on the other hand can be found in meat, eggs and pumpkin seeds. Refined foods such as sugar and flour must be avoided if one is to follow an effective health diet. Zinc can be found abundantly in calamine lotion and it is therefore considered to be an excellent zits fighter. This inexpensive household product may well surprise you with the results.

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