Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What Causes Acne Scars And How To Get Rid Of Them

By Timothy Sanders

Acne is a major issue particularly for females as they appear without any prior warning and leave many ugly scars. Irrespective of your dislike for it, acne appears during the teenage years of most people and considerable effort is required for fighting these ugly looking marks and stopping them from reappearing.

Acne is the result of a reaction between bacteria and sebum released by the glands found in skin, leading to an infection. During the healing process of this condition, a fibrous protein called collagen is generated. When the collagen is in surplus, there is a swelling and when its levels are low then it leads to tiny craters on the skin. Either of these eventualities can lead to acne scars. Adolescents are normally more susceptible to acne infection as their hormones increase all of a sudden at the time of puberty leading to more sebum secretion.

Among the common causes of acne infection are application of cosmetics that are not compatible with the kind of skin, taking contraceptive medication, consumption of medicinal drugs, and genetic reasons. A number of other reasons such as anxiety, unhealthy eating habits, and even pollution can result in acne. But contrary to what most people believe, scientists have not discovered any connection between spicy food and acne.

Although a number of creams and herbal skin care products are sold in the market to cure acne, it is better to seek medical help if the problem aggravates or keeps on recurring. It is also better not to pierce the lesion with sharp- edged objects or to press it as it makes the infection get worse.

A lot of people have now started looking for medical procedures for making acne scars disappear and to obtain a clear skin again. Along with surgical procedures and laser treatment that are two of the most successful cures in making acne scars go away, there are numerous other new therapies too. You must visit a reputed skin doctor who would be able to determine your skin type and recommend an appropriate treatment.

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