Friday, February 3, 2012

Fighting Acne? These Tips Can Help

By Roshan Lillias

It is vital to know what is the root cause of your problem. Because if you don't, how can you fight your problem effectively? Learn what you are dealing with and then take the adequate steps to eliminate the problem.

The foods you eat directly influence your skin's health. Acne causing infections can be the result of a diet that includes junk food and other unhealthy foods. A good, balanced diet includes fruits, veggies, lean meats and only small amounts of sugar. This gives your body the nutrition and vitamins that it needs to fight and win the battle over acne.

Your body can't live without a water for a couple of days. How important do you think it is to hydrate your body? Very important! Do not drink drinks full of sugar (soda), take a water instead. In case you feel water is not as tasteful as soda is, you might want to try a fresh juice. Your body will love you for that!

Maca, a health supplement that helps harmonize your bodily systems, is well worth your consideration. Maca is a stress reducer that improves the balance of your bodily systems and has no know deleterious side effects. To get the best results, make sure you follow the advice given on the supplement label.

Avoid using cleansers that have harsh ingredients in them. These cleansers will irritate your skin and cause it to dry out, making it worse than it was to begin with. Try using cleansers labeled as "gentle" and "hypoallergenic," which are specifically intended for sensitive skin.

Natural remedies are the best ones you can use. For instance garlic is a great as an antibiotic tool. By crushing it you will create an oil which if you spread over your problem area will clear up the infection, that causes the problems. Don't worry if you start feeling stinging sensation after applying it, it's normal. But make sure to avoid eyes area! After a few minutes just rinse it off and make it dry with a towel.

You can go even a little bit deeper in using natural cures, such as a green clay mask. This mask is excellent for constriction of your pores. It does its magic by soaking an abundance of oil you might have on your skin. When it's dry, just rinse your skin and pat dry. Then apply a cotton ball saturated with witch hazel to sweep away any residual clay.

Keep in mind that how your body feels internally will reflect how it looks externally. In other words stress is another factor that influence the health of your skin. Hormones created by the stress can make your pores clogged. Learn to avoid or deal with stress and you will see an improvement.

There are even more things you can do to improve the way you care for your skin every day. Pick one day to do a facial mask and a garlic treatment and combine this with twice-daily face washing for brighter, healthier skin.

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