Friday, February 24, 2012

Acne Solutions- Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Your Acne

By Micheal Shawn

As a teenager, having acne is often rather a bit of a downer. It is even worse if you keep having it as a grown up. Acne is the consequence of number of factors. Hormonal imbalances as a result of puberty, menstrual period, pregnancy, contraceptive pills etc. This hormonal imbalance usually causes the over- secretion of sebum via the sebaceous glands. Usually, if this sebum gets in contact with bacteria or dirt onto the skin, it contributes to the formation of acne. This is the reason people with oily skin tend to be susceptible to acne.

Acne could be prevented to a certain degree if you take proper care of the skin, making sure it is clean always so that the skin pores would not be clogged. There are also some cosmetic products that triggers acne. Stop the use of such products if you find breakouts as soon as you begin using them. The same is applicable to contraceptive pills. Also, to the ladies, for no reason go to sleep with your make up on. Your skin really ought to breathe that makes it essential that you simply remove your make up before you go to bed. Any time you don't, the make-up will clog up your skin pores and you will probably get up with acne. Yes, it is that prompt.

I can feel you asking the question- what exactly do we do pertaining to the acne that we already have got? Not to worry, this article is going to provide you with a couple of natural acne solutions that really works.

Natural Acne Solutions

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is amongst the most wonderful flowers truly identified. It has lots of therapeutic purposes, one of these is providing comforting relief and disposing of red and itchy acne. Aloe vera also has a comforting effect which helps to repair damaged skin. It is also very cheap and relatively easy to use. Simply get the aloe vera flower, cut it open laterally, remove the gel and smear it on your face. To get maximum results, repeat this every morning and at nights. This skin restorative healing property of aloe vera is the cause it is being utilized in most skin products.

Gram Flour: This is one of the best natural acne solutions but the sad thing is, not many people are aware of its benefits. Gram flour is very helpful at treating acne simply because it can help to suppress surplus secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands. When you buy your gram flour, measure out 2 teaspoonful, then you mix it with one spoonful of yoghurt and rub it on your face excluding your eyes and your lip spot. Similar to a facial mask. To make it more potent, you can also combine lemon juice and turmeric to the combination.

Rose water and Sandalwood: A combination of rose water and sandalwood is very well known for their success in getting rid of acne. They also possess soothing impacts on the skin. In order to use, make a mixture of rose water and sandalwood. Be sure not to make it watery because it ought to be in paste form. Administer the paste uniformly all-around your face and leave it to stay till it dries up thoroughly. Then, you wash it off your face with cold water then followed by mild moisturizer.

Tea Tree Oil: Tree tea oil can not be neglected as a fantastic natural acne solution. It is of great value in treating acne. It is a natural oil that consists of anti-microbial activities which is very useful for infiltrating deep into the skin and opening up clogged pores. It can be commonly found in gel forms, lotions and creams. Just a quantity of 5% tea tree oil applied on the acne, three times a day would help to treat the acne fast.

Fuller's Earth: Fuller's earth is another example of acne solution that is very effective and really fast at getting rid of acne. Such as the case of rose water and sandalwood, make a paste of Fuller's earth combined with carrot juice and honey. Apply the paste and your face leaving to one side the eyes and mouth area and allow the paste to dry out on the face for as much as 20 minutes. You can then clean it off with nearly hot water and then use a skin moisturizer.

Dried Basil: For this option, add 2-3 tablespoons of dried basil to a bowl of water and put it to boil. Ensure that you are mixing it continuously while you are bringing it to boil. Allow it to boil for 10 minutes. When it has boiled, you let it to set and cool down to room temperature. When it has cooled, get a cotton ball, put into the cool mixture and dab it across your face as you would do with a facial cleanser. Try to rub more on the skin bearing the acne. It is best to do it two times a day- in the daytime and just before going to bed and before long, you will smile at the outcomes. This is a perfectly safe, cheap and beneficial natural acne solution.

Milk of Magnesia: This is equally an effective and efficient natural acne solution that you can try from the comfort of your home. It also works fast. The application is simple. Simply get yourself a cotton ball, immerse it in the milk and apply it over your face particularly on the acne. When you are done with dabbing, let it rest on your face for an hour after which you clean it off with water. For quicker outcome, it is encouraged that you apply it somewhere between 2-3 times a day.

These natural acne solutions have been proven to be efficacious. You do not need to try out the whole solutions. Just decide the one that is more suitable for you and the one that is well within your reach, apply it as advised and get ready to smile in the mirror once again.

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