Saturday, December 17, 2011

Did you know that your skin problems may be caused by your cell-phone?

By Gary Halitone

Mobiles have been indispensable today- we just cannot function without them. Can you remember the last time you left home and forgot your cell phone? You almost certainly had a sinking feeling in your belly when you noticed that you were incommunicado. But as helpful and convenient as cell phones are, they also come with some health hazards. Mobile telephones can cause everything from skin problems to cancer, so some precautions must be taken.

Skin Conditions Caused by Cell Phones

Folks who talk on their cell-phones a lot and hold their phones up to their faces can get something by the name of cell telephone rash. This is a real condition and has been studied by the UK Association of Rash and is composed of a rash on the chin, ears or cheeks. It is due to the nickel in several telephones, which a large amount of folk are allergic to. This issue can be particularly prevalent in people who don't switch which side they talk on the phone. If the phone is constantly on one side of your face, there's more of an opportunity that your skin will be irritated by it.

Ways to Stop Skin Problems

There aren't many different things folks can do to prevent irritated skin from their phones. The 1st is to use an earbud or Bluetooth earphone set. If the phone isn't touching your face, then it can't cause issues on your skin. Another choice is to check with the phone makers and find mobiles that don't contain nickel. And obviously reducing the amount of time that you talk on your cell phone will help.

Mobile Radiation

There's been a large amount of backwards and forwards in the medical community regarding whether or not cell-phones are safe. A Danish study back in 2006 claimed that it was fully permissible to use mobiles, but latterly the study has been criticized as being flawed. There is not any doubt that in our existing technological world, we are exposed to huge amounts of electro-magnetic radiation (EMR) from our appliances, devices and power lines. Cell phones are no exception, and the threat comes from both the handsets as well as the cell towers. Studies have connected brain tumors and genetic damage to cell-phone radiation.

So what can you do? Fortunately some of the solutions for reducing mobile radiation are the same as the ones to reduce epidermal irritation from cell phones. The very first thing to do is to get an ear bud or headset. This puts real physical gap between your head and the radiation, thus defending you. There are special earphones designed to reduce radiation, so search for these. There's also something by the name of ferrite beads which you are able to add to regular wired ear buds to help absorb radiation. It isn't recommended to get a Bluetooth head-set if your aim is reduce radiation, since it will emit its own kind of radiation. Also, never use your phone when the signal is bad. Your telephone will use a load more power trying hard to get a signal tough enough to talk on, and while it does this, it is emitting more radiation.

Naturally getting off your cell phone is perhaps the simplest way to reduce radiation. The less time that your cellphone is on and close to your head, the more sorted you will be in terms of reducing your possibility of illness due to radiation.

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