Thursday, December 22, 2011

Black Skin Acne Treatments - 3 Remedies Which Never Fail

By Sean T Saunders

Acne is a skin problem that effects many, many people and has no racial prejudices of any sort. The truth is, most people do not understand that 4 out of 5 people -- from ages 11 to 30 -- have either EXPERIENCED acne or STILL HAVE acne. Acne breakouts might not be as obvious for individuals with darker skin compared to those with fairer skin, but that does not mean they're any less embarrassing to deal with. So, if you've got darker colored skin and happen to be interested in getting rid of your acne both inexpensively & fast, why not try an acne treatment for black skin? It should do the trick perfectly while not adversely impacting your skin.

3 Techniques for Getting Rid of Black Skin Acne Problems...

H2O Is The Way To Go: This is the most important step in acne treatment for black skin. How come? Because by keeping your body hydrated, you keep your skin hydrated. This helps to keep it flexible and allows natural oils to be excreted through the skin without it being clogged. Furthermore, it's a lot easier for your body to absorb nutrients if it is adequately hydrated. That being said, make an effort to consume a minimum of 6 glasses of water a day and you will see an immense difference in the appearance of your skin!

Start Sweating More: I know what you are thinking, "sweat leads to acne, it does not cure it!" Well, you are right & you are wrong. Let me explain. When you perspire, harmful toxins and bacteria start to LEAVE the body through the skin; this, as you can certainly guess, is good news. The thing of it is though, if these contaminants are not washed away immediately, they STAY on the skin and end up getting stuck back inside your pores. This only serves to aggravate acne troubles and makes your task tougher. On the flipside, if you were to wash these contaminants away AS SOON AS they emerge -- by jumping in the shower after you work up a sweat -- they'd be gone once and for all. So, in this instance, instead of sweat CAUSING acne, it actually helped to eliminate it. Pretty cool, huh?

Don't Eat Tomatoes, Wear Them: Tomatoes work for eliminating acne for 2 main reasons. First of all, the acid which is soaked up by the skin can help fight the "infection" causing the acne breakouts. Second, the vitamin A should keep your skin elastic, which makes it more unlikely to have a problem later. Truth be told, tomatoes will even help with acne scars! Merely cut the tomato in half -- or make a paste out of the whole tomato -- and rub onto the acne, then allow it to dry and rinse off. By waiting until the juice has dried on your skin, you guarantee that your skin has absorbed as much as it can.

There are plenty of black skin acne treatments you are able to use. These are merely the select few which I chose to list. Why these? Because they're simple to use, they're affordable for ANYONE, they're all natural & safe, and they actually work. Will these methods cure your acne problems immediately? Nope -- but that doesn't mean you shouldn't start using them right away. Besides, I have yet to uncover any acne treatment that works instantly.

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