Sunday, February 10, 2013

Acne Best Solution How To Cure Acne Using 100% Natural Methods

By Michelle Kinden

You must have tried almost every know acne cure treatment available and still your acne seem to reappear. Acne is a skin infection that is caused by a change in hormonal balance and can be very embarrassing especially if it appears on your face.

I am totally aware of not only the physical and visible side effects, but also, and more importantly, the mental and emotional problems that it can cause, including a damaged self esteem.

But, possibly just like you, I did nothing about it, stuck my head in the sand and just hoped that it would go away soon. News flash. You are most likely stuck with this problem for at least another few years. Maybe even 10 more years. UNLESS YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

However, it also kills off good bacteria found in our digestive tract at the same time. This can lead to undesirable effects on our digestive system. With a bad digestive system, our body eventually suffers from bad health.

Honey mask: You can use honey mask to treat your pimple, by applying it directly on the infected part of your skin two to three times a week.

Now, if your acne condition is only slight, simple do-it-yourself remedies from home may improve the problem. In fact i'll share some with you that worked for me.

Zinc: Another great, and one of the most effective ways to deal with acne problems is from the inside of your body.

In some cases, it actually halved the time that the pimple was infected (down from about 4-6 days to as low as 2 days), but still those results were wishy-washy. Ungvita, found in your local chemist or drug store is a great product used specifically for all types of skin damage. Now at first, during the initial stage while the pimple is infected, it will be useless since your body is still fighting the infection and not yet in the healing process (this is where the toothpaste comes in).

Once the pimple has settled somewhat (no signs of puss or any other disgusting fluids), start applying a thin layer of Ungvita to the affected area.

Aloe vera also helps to accelerate the healing of acne. Tea tree oil is another great ingredient that you can use to cure acne. The anti bacteria properties of it can kill the bacteria that cause acne to occur. Do make sure that you get sufficient shut eye and stay stress free. It is recommended that you take at least 8 hours of shut eye every day.

These are just some few acne cure treatment that you can start to use at home. Remember if you keep doing what you have been doing you are not likely going to get rid of your pimple.

Everything that I write here is all 100% from my personal experience. If you have been suffering with acne for months, or even years, these do-it-yourself from home remedies over all do not STOP the problem. You need the determination or maybe even the courage to pull your head out of the sand and DO something about it.

That what I did. I spent lots of money on expensive creams and medication. And you know what, it worked!! Never again has acne tried to ruin my life. BUT... YOU may not need to do this. Especially if your acne condition is not overly severe.

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