Saturday, November 10, 2012

Acne Insight - Understanding What Acne Is All About

By Fran Knudtson

As widespread as acne is, many people still don't understand what causes it or the best ways to treat it. Much of the time, ideas that are wrong are repeated and taken as the truth.In an attempt to make your acne go away, you may resort to scrubbing at your face thinking that this will help. Actually, this just exacerbates the situation making acne worse than ever. To help you understand which remedies work, and which do not, in regard to acne, we have written this article.

There's no single cause of acne, and even doctors and medical researchers aren't sure exactly why it occurs. Stress in your life, and an imbalance in certain bacteria levels in your skin, are thought to be contributing factors. Many people have this problem, so it is really nothing to worry about in regard to your overall health and condition. For the most part, the best strategy is to focus on the best treatment, whether it's a medication you can buy over-the-counter, or one prescribed to you by your doctor. At times, people have found that natural remedies that do not come from a doctor or a pharmacy, tend to have better results than those often recommended by your physician. Acne is a skin disorder that can occur on any one, not just teenagers. There is no truth at all in the concept that only teenagers get acne - however, in this age range, it will manifest. This skin disorder is actually capable of continuing from your teenagers on into adulthood. There are many adults that have chronic acne that has been with them since they were young. For this reason, it's important to not believe that acne is something you can outgrow. Your skin can have acne on it for decades. He really has nothing to do with your age and nothing you should be embarrassed about. In fact, acne does not discriminate based upon age. It can happen to anyone.

Going to the dermatologist, you'll soon learn that what they prescribe for your acne will be different from what you can get from the pharmacy. If you do get a prescription for your acne, it will be much stronger than normal. This is usually reserved for severe acne sufferers. Depending upon the level of your acne dilemma, the dermatologist will choose the appropriate medication to treat your form of acne. In some cases, a topical antibiotic is prescribed to reduce inflammation and stop the spreading of bacteria. By using topical solutions like retinoids, not only will your pores become unclogged, but your face may look younger as lines and wrinkles begin to diminish.

Did you know that acne can also appear on various parts of your body including your neck and back? It actually can and for a variety of reasons. If you do not treat the acne that is on your back, you can have severe scarring as a result of ignoring this problem and hoping that it will go away. Back acne can actually be stimulated by wearing certain clothing that is irritating to the skin. When you have back acne, you're usually best off wearing loose fitting clothes made of synthetic fibers. You simply need to be more aware of what you wear and do as it may contribute to the acne that you now have. Perhaps modern medicine will one day find a simple cure for acne. Taking care of this skin condition, with what we know today, is all we can do. That means practicing common sense and using whatever products are most effective. All we can do is try our best to make sure that the products that we use on our face, and that our lifestyle, conforms to what is necessary that will help prevent acne from forming.

In order to properly treat your acne, you need to become better informed about the treatments that are available for your condition. As we have stated, acne has no cure. However there are many things you can do to keep it under control throughout your life. Do some research on your own, and try some natural remedies. If all else fails, see a dermatologist and get a prescription for something that can help.

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