Saturday, June 30, 2012

5 ways to get rid of blackheads and acne - naturally

By Cory Arkson

Looking at the effect acne and blackheads can have on people as we talk about how to get rid of the problem is of great benefit. Pimples can be terribly embarrassing for the person who suffers due to the nature of unsightly pimples.

In many social circles the skin without imperfections is billed as a sign of beauty and contrast, when some people have imperfect skin they find themselves going through stress and anxiety. Self-esteem can be strongly affected by the appearance of blackheads and pimples for many people, If it is not treated early it can lead to both physical and emotional scars.

What causes pimples and acne to appear?

A skin condition that commonly affects teenagers is acne or pimples, it is caused when there is an increase in male hormones either in a man or a woman.

The oils and lifeless cells that become stuck in the pores and encourage the creation of black spots which in turn become infected and inflamed giving rise to the creation of pimples. about 96 percent of the adolescent population is usually affected by this condition at one time in their lives or the other, though acne usually appears on the face, it can also appear on the upper chest, back or anyplace where the skin has thick density of sebaceous glands.

The intensity and duration of acne varies for each individual, however, this condition usually disappears in some people after adolescence, but it could still last up to 20 or even thirty years in others. When it is severe acne can have a devastating effect on adolescents, particularly during the period they have low self-confidence. There are several treatments available on how to get rid of blackheads and acne.

Get rid of blackheads and acne - naturally

Below are 5 simple ways on How to get rid of blackheads and acne naturally

1. Healthy life style:

A good way to get rid of blackheads is by drinking plenty of water, exercising, sleeping well at night, try to reduce stress levels. When you care for your body it affects your skin, if you want to remove blackheads it is important to follow this advice as it would not only help you better your skin long term, your overall condition will also benefit.

2. Washing your face

Washing your face with a mild cleanser twice daily is good for your skin. You can do this in the morning and before going to bed at night. Try to avoid using soap that is too harsh for the face, using such would not do your skin any good, doing this can actually worsen your pimple instead of helping to eliminate it. Do be careful when taking long hot showers or using hot water (especially during winter), as this can cause your skin to lose moisture. When rubbing your acne do so gently to avoid injuring your acne. Look for products that can help you to sustain hydration of the skin and can kill bacteria that induce the growth of pimples. Try to use products containing different components for the processing of your grains as they are better than those containing a single ingredient.

3. Be careful with your diet

Watch your diet, your diet should comprise of a healthy mix of the four food groups, with a good amount of fruits and vegetables. Chocolate and greasy foods do not directly cause acne, if you eat good food your body will benefit from it the results.

4. Stop all bad habits

Stop all bad habits like smoking, taking alcohol, caffeine and sugary drinks. All these bad habits can cause your skin pores to become clogged and as a result produce acne.

5. Give your skin a break from time to time

Let your skin breath from time to time. Since the products you use for acne may contain ingredients that may be hard for your skin, you would also discover that some treatments may not be the solution to your acne problem, at such times it becomes necessary that you allow your skin to rest before starting another treatment. It is important you remove all makeup before going to bed at night.

With the points above I guess you now know how to get rid of blackheads and acne naturally.

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