Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kiss Your Hair Loss Worries Goodbye With Hair Transplant

By Arnold Coleman

Baldness is a terrifying experience for a number of of adults. Whether it is a male or female, balding brings about psychological stress which can affect the person's way of living. But what brings about thinning hair? What percentage of the population suffers from it?

Genetics, lifestyle, illnesses and some medications may cause people's hair loss. According to experiments, 3 men out of 10 and 1 lady out of 10 are affected by thinning hair. Now, whereas baldness is nerve-wracking for both genders, it's more devastating for girls. It's because girls are generally more mindful about their looks than men.

In a world where pretty ladies are put on a pedestal, every woman is forced to look beautiful all the time. And looking good involves having fine-looking or nicely styled curls. This is why hair loss seriously shatters a girl's self-confidence. Thinning hair not only makes them feel unattractive, it also makes them feel less of a woman. These feelings soon hurt the person's daily routines, work, as well as her relationships.

Nowadays, ladies do not need to suffer from these thinning hair related stress. Thanks to medical advancements like hair transplant. This treatment includes the transfer of healthy hair follicles on a part where thinning hair is seen. Natural-looking and fuller hair is very achievable with this procedure.

There are two techniques by which hair transplant is done, the strip technique and the Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE technique. In the strip strategy, a linear strip of healthy hair follicles is taken from the back of the head. The area where the strip was taken is then stitched. Then, hair grafts are prepared and transferred in the balding spot.

Meanwhile, the FUE method entails randomly harvesting hair follicles in the abundant areas and transferring the hair grafts in the area with thinning hair. This process leaves no noticeable scars and is little by little becoming famous among patients.

With these 2 breakthrough techniques, women can stop wearing wigs and be confident again with their natural, fuller hair!

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