Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Do Acne Treatments Work?

By David Lam

Quite some money can be spent in finding for acne treatments which is work. There are so many acne products available in the market however it is hard to know which one is work. After you had try one product, only to be disappointed and then spend more money on another system which claims it will cure your acne totally and then only to be disappointed again. It seems to be a never ending cycle of finding for a cure and thinking you have found an acne cure but being disappointed all over again.

The biggest problem is that people do not give the acne treatments enough time to really work, then switching from one product to another on a weekly basis. It can take up to three months for an acne treatment to cure your adult acne and you may even find that your acne appears to be getting worse before it starts to get better. Failure to follow the acne product instructions is another common problem. Applying acne medication too much can be just as much of a problem as not using it enough and causing your skin to become irritated.

The problem may not be the acne treatment. Most of the time people depend solely on the acne medication to treat adult acne while in fact other lifestyle changes are needed. In most cases, medicinal acne treatments are not even required whenever you find that something else in your life is causing the acne.

Most people do not think in terms of what is causing the adult acne in the first place however concentrating solely on curing the existing acne. You must first determine what is causing it in order to cure it for good then you will have your adult acne cure. Studies have proven that acne is caused by excessive sebum production. With this proven, it is up to you and possibly your health care provider to determine exactly what cause your body to develop excess sebum.

Other than the acne treatment, you have to consider how you take care for your skin. You must often wash your face well at least twice each day and avoid wearing makeup that only serves to clog your pores even more. Exercise at least three times a week, drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Many people do not realize that exercise can relieves stress and helps get rid of toxins from the body through sweat. Both stress and toxins contribute to the cause of acne which is why exercising frequently can truly be an acne cure for you.

Furthermore you must keep your hair and hands off your face. Hands and hair contain oils which contribute to acne. Squeezing or popping acne pimples is another problem because it spreads the bacteria and often causes scarring as well.

Some people may have a food allergy that is causing adult acne. In this case, they need to visit an allergy specialist to determine what foods they are allergic to and eliminating those foods from their diet. Many people do not recognize that they have food allergies and the only symptom which there is an allergy is an acne breakout!

Making simple lifestyle changes may be the best acne treatment available to you and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results particularly considering how small the changes are. You also should increase your intake of vitamins E and A as both of the vitamins promote healthy skin. You also can take supplements or eat foods which are rich in one or both of these vitamins. This small change will help to prevent or cure adult acne.

However if making these small lifestyle changes and using over-the-counter acne treatments does not provide an acne cure for you, it may be necessary for you to visit a dermatologist to determine what will work. There are a lot of acne treatments available that have proven to be effective acne cures. Even though most of the acne cures your dermatologist will recommend can be expensive, they are usually well worth the cost. Ensure that you give the acne treatment time to work and follow the instructions of your dermatologist for use of the acne medication.

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