Monday, February 9, 2009

Choosing Only the Right Cosmetics For Your Skin

By Emily Addison

Manufacturers of cosmetics nowadays actually claim they have the perfect cosmetics that will make you look younger, more vibrant and most especially more beautiful. They promise that their cosmetics can take away all the blemishes, wrinkles, and other imperfections on your skin. Well, although some of these manufacturers actually have the perfect cosmetics that could help you with your problems, there are some who are just plainly playing with your emotions through their claims, advertisements and packaging. Thus, it is important that you know what are the things to look out for when choosing cosmetics for your skin.

Things to Consider

1. Ads on magazines or newspapers. First, check on the ads on magazines or newspapers. Assess if the cosmetics are over-promoted on the ads. Manufacturers oftentimes make their cosmetics appear really good and irresistible so be very careful. Never opt out just because of compelling ads on magazines or newspapers.

2. Ingredients listed on the label. Second most important thing you should consider checking is the list of ingredients on the label. List has the names of the ingredients used and information whether or not ingredients come from natural sources. But unfortunately, there are no industry standards for what "natural" means. And it is possible that there maybe natural ingredients present but are just added to synthetic ones. Be extra careful, collect some more information.

Similarly, on the list of ingredients you will be able to know if ingredients are safe and healthy. Never ever forget to check this list.

3. Well designed labels. A lot of manufacturers are willing to spend a lot of time, money, and effort to have well designed labels so people will feel their cosmetics are irresistible. Unfortunately, the well designed, pretty labels don't guarantee anything. Oftentimes, they are used to entice customers. Thus, never buy any cosmetic because of well designed label.

4. Possible allergic reactions. It is best if the cosmetic is hypoallergenic. This doesn't actually means that it wont cause allergic reactions but the possibility it will is indeed lesser. Thus, always check if there is an info telling if the cosmetic causes allergic reactions or not.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Daily Skin Care Routine

By Bart Icles

Skincare can be an easy daily part of your routine if you make a simple and effective plan and stick to it. There is no way to get healthy skin unless you put time aside to care for your skin, just like you cant expect to have a beautiful flower garden without planned work and care of it. So what are some important aspects of a routine for healthy skin?

First- Determine what skin type yours is. There are 4 major skin types- Oily, Normal, Dry or Combination.

Oily skin types struggle because they have too much the oil your skin needs to stay healthy. Their battle is monitoring the levels of moisture on their face. Normal skin although called normal is actual more rare. It has a good place of oils and only struggles occasionally with oil levels. This skin type needs to make sure they face wash is very mild and isnt adding unnecessary moisture to their skin.

Dry skin is just that, dry. There isnt enough of the helpful oil in their pores and so in order to keep a healthy appearance they need to incorporate lotions.

And Combination skin has patches of both oily and dry. They may need lotion in one area of their face and not in others.

Once you have determined which skin type you are you need to find a face wash that will give your skin what it needs. Be sure to plan a time daily when you can wash your face but make sure you are only doing it once a day. It is hard on your skin if you are constantly stripping everything from it 2 or 3 times a day.

Be cautious in how you treat your zits and blemishes. Yes they are a visible problem but you have to remember that they are very sensitive. Picking at them will only harm them more and turn them into permanent scars. Instead find a cream that will dry them out and apply that regularly. It will keep you skin from unnecessary scars and pock marks.

Finally be sure to apply sunscreen to your skin regularly. The sun is the strongest enemy of your skin it is really harsh and a daily habit of applying a low SPF sunscreen will give you skin the protection it needs. The effects of the sun arent often seen until later years but if you start now you will be ahead then.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

The Ultimate Guide For Home Acne Remedy

By David Lam

Acne is a skin problem widely known and faced by almost all of our people especially teenagers and young adults. When not given enough attention and care, acne can actually give you serious problems. Nowadays doctors and advertisements offer us different products that might help solve our worries about acne.

However it is still better if you can actually cure it before seeing or consulting your doctor. There are actually acne home remedies that you can find and use inside your home or in your garden. All you have to do is to know how you can use that acne home remedy to finally say goodbye to your acne worries.

Does toothpaste work?

There is still no scientific basis nor findings yet that discusses how the toothpaste can really lessen the spread of acne. In fact, it is one of the most widely used home acne remedy by people! It might be a result of trial and discovery that made the toothpaste serve not only to clean the teeth however also as an unusual acne home remedy!

All you need to do is just apply it directly to your zits before sleeping. This is believed that it can help manage the swelling overnight. Just make sure that it is not the gel form but the paste.

The salty-sour way to get rid of Acne

It is actually previously proven that salt can be used as an acne home remedy. Just prepare a salt solution and wash your face with it twice everyday. This will remove the excess oil in your face which is the main cause of pimples. You actually have an option to add vinegar directly on the affected area and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Fruity Procedures

Fruits are definitely not just for food! They are not only good for inner nutrition but can also be used as cure for outer health problems. You can actually use some of them to be your acne home remedy!

One matter you can do is to place strawberry leaves just directly on the affected part. Another is by applying fresh lemon juice mixed with rose water in your face and leaving it for about 15 minutes. A continuous application of this for 15 days is will give you amazing results!

On the other hand, ground orange peel added with water to make into a paste and applied on acne can also make your face free from acne again. Lime combined with rose water is also a highly recommended acne home remedy! All you need to do is just apply it on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Juice made of Papaya applied on the affected area is also another great alternative. Beside a paste made of ripe tomatoes is also an effective solution! There is so many great acne home remedies to choose from!

The power of the plant species against acne

Just like the fruits mentioned above, there are many herbs and other plants that also proved to serve as a good acne home remedy. You can try methi leaves made into a paste and applied to stay in your face for 10-15 minutes. Two cloves of crushed garlic applied twice a day is another option, just bear with the strong smell of this home acne remedy!

A combination of sweet fennel essential oils, witch hazel and tea tree added with water can also give satisfactory results. Just stir or shake it before applying on the swelling area twice or thrice a day. Remember to use cotton wool each time you put it on.

Moreover Aloe Vera is also proven to be great as an acne home remedy! Just make into a juice out of it and apply it twice a day for the fast healing of your lesions. Vegetables like cucumber will never be out of the list for beauty regimen. You just need to apply a paste of it as a mask and leave it for 30 minutes. A paste of ground radish, as well as ground sesame seeds are also great alternatives when treating your acne.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

How To Treat Skin Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation makes life miserable for most sufferers of this skin disorder. Skin trauma, hormone fluctuations and hot temperatures can give rise to hyperpigmentation. It is a medical condition when a skin has turned darker than usual. This transformation normally takes place without sun exposure. It is due to too much melanin in the skin.

Some people use skin lightening cream such as Meladerm. It can block the production of melanin. Check out Meladerm review if you are thinking of using skin whitening products to treat skin hyperpigmentation.

When the skin gets darker than usual, it is not a serious medical condition. Your health will not be affected. It just look unpleasing cosmetically.

If your skin is vulnerable to sunlight, you must use sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or greater to prevent hyperpigmentation. Too much sunlight can encourage the production of melanin. This will lead to hyperpigmentation as melanin absorbs the energy of the destructive ultraviolet rays of the sun to guard your skin from overexposure. If you have freckles, age spots,or melasma, they will become outstanding when the skin is uncovered from the sun.

Hormonal irregularities can lead to larger areas of darkened skin which is identified as melasma or chloasma spots . They look similar to age spots. Women who take birth control pills may also encounter hyperpigmentation because their bodies experience similar condition of hormonal irregularities that arise during pregnancy.

You can treat skin hyperpigmentation with Meladerm. It is safe to use during pregnancy. You can visit Meladerm review for more information.

Your Acne Skin Care Guideline

By David Lam

Acne is extremely common in people who ages 12-24 while our hormones are very active due to puberty however many people continue to have acne outbreaks throughout their lives. Acne can show up on the neck, face, back and shoulders. Although it is not life threatening, acne can cause scarring and emotional distress to those who suffer from it.

Many factors can cause acne outbreaks. Factors such as heredity, menstruation, stress and even over washing can cause acne. Fortunately there are lots of ways to cure acne and that is why acne skin care is so important to us.

If you having mild or moderate cases of acne, experts suggest washing your face twice daily and each time after you exercise. They also recommend over-the-counter acne products that contain ingredients such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Although these acne products do have some side effects like irritation and redness however often decrease or even disappear with continual use. Nowadays acne treatment industry is a multi-million dollar industry and scientists come up with new ways to treat acne frequently.

It is advisable to consult your dermatologist if you having moderate or severe cases of acne. A dermatologist can analyze the acne problem and has many acne treatment options to choose from. Some treatments include used prescribed topical medications for adult acne treatment and even oral antibiotics which help reduce the outbreak of acne. Not everybody will receive the same kind of acne treatments and your dermatologist can tailor the treatments to your specific needs.

Taking care of your skin is the best way to avoid or cure your acne. Select cleansing products which are not overly harsh and are oil-free. Wash your face frequently after sweating heavily.

The use of makeup especially for young women can exacerbate adult acne problems, so it is a good idea to pick cosmetics that are non-comedogenic because they do not clog pores. Remember to wash your face before you go for sleep at night. It is also imperative that you never squeeze or pinch the zits.

You may be tempted to do it however it can lead to scarring on your skin. Don't spend too much time scrubbing your face as it can make your acne worse. It is also smart to avoid putting your hands on your face because the oil on your hands will transferred to your face and can cause more acne outbreaks.

Adult acne is a part of life for most of us. Although that may not be much consolation to someone who is suffering from acne however it may help to put it in perspective. Acne always happens to everyone at some point in his or her lives.

The good news is that there are many acne products available and even the severe acne can be treated. Acne skin care doesn't have to be embarrassing or painful. By taking care of your skin and tackling pimples as they appear with common sense and some useful acne products, you can truly improve the overall look and feel of your skin.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Do Acne Treatments Work?

By David Lam

Quite some money can be spent in finding for acne treatments which is work. There are so many acne products available in the market however it is hard to know which one is work. After you had try one product, only to be disappointed and then spend more money on another system which claims it will cure your acne totally and then only to be disappointed again. It seems to be a never ending cycle of finding for a cure and thinking you have found an acne cure but being disappointed all over again.

The biggest problem is that people do not give the acne treatments enough time to really work, then switching from one product to another on a weekly basis. It can take up to three months for an acne treatment to cure your adult acne and you may even find that your acne appears to be getting worse before it starts to get better. Failure to follow the acne product instructions is another common problem. Applying acne medication too much can be just as much of a problem as not using it enough and causing your skin to become irritated.

The problem may not be the acne treatment. Most of the time people depend solely on the acne medication to treat adult acne while in fact other lifestyle changes are needed. In most cases, medicinal acne treatments are not even required whenever you find that something else in your life is causing the acne.

Most people do not think in terms of what is causing the adult acne in the first place however concentrating solely on curing the existing acne. You must first determine what is causing it in order to cure it for good then you will have your adult acne cure. Studies have proven that acne is caused by excessive sebum production. With this proven, it is up to you and possibly your health care provider to determine exactly what cause your body to develop excess sebum.

Other than the acne treatment, you have to consider how you take care for your skin. You must often wash your face well at least twice each day and avoid wearing makeup that only serves to clog your pores even more. Exercise at least three times a week, drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Many people do not realize that exercise can relieves stress and helps get rid of toxins from the body through sweat. Both stress and toxins contribute to the cause of acne which is why exercising frequently can truly be an acne cure for you.

Furthermore you must keep your hair and hands off your face. Hands and hair contain oils which contribute to acne. Squeezing or popping acne pimples is another problem because it spreads the bacteria and often causes scarring as well.

Some people may have a food allergy that is causing adult acne. In this case, they need to visit an allergy specialist to determine what foods they are allergic to and eliminating those foods from their diet. Many people do not recognize that they have food allergies and the only symptom which there is an allergy is an acne breakout!

Making simple lifestyle changes may be the best acne treatment available to you and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results particularly considering how small the changes are. You also should increase your intake of vitamins E and A as both of the vitamins promote healthy skin. You also can take supplements or eat foods which are rich in one or both of these vitamins. This small change will help to prevent or cure adult acne.

However if making these small lifestyle changes and using over-the-counter acne treatments does not provide an acne cure for you, it may be necessary for you to visit a dermatologist to determine what will work. There are a lot of acne treatments available that have proven to be effective acne cures. Even though most of the acne cures your dermatologist will recommend can be expensive, they are usually well worth the cost. Ensure that you give the acne treatment time to work and follow the instructions of your dermatologist for use of the acne medication.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What May Causes Adult Acne?

By David Lam

Just like many people in the world, the question of what may cause adult acne has been a tireless quest in search of an answer to a problem that plagues many individuals. For example almost 25 percent of all adults and 90 percent of all adolescents are acne sufferers. In terms of gender approximately 50% of all adult men and 50% of all adult women have problem with adult acne.

One difference in gender is where the acne outbreak takes place and the severity of blackheads and zits that form. Males are more often have the severe acne rather than females due to their hormones. Normally the infected areas where tend to break out most frequently are more difficult to treat.

The real cause of adult acne can truly be a blend of several factors. Typically there are several steps which lead to pimples, blackheads, zits and minor skin blemishes. The main cause of acne is because of the blocking or clogging of hair follicles which more commonly know as pores.

Unfortunately the reasons and combination of situations which cause pores to become clogged is not fully known. There are many contributing elements for adults and teenagers alike which can include hereditary factors. Some experts claim that acne also caused by vitamin supplemental intake, hormones and stress related factors.

Other forces or events that can strongly affect the development of adult acne include your body's normal function of eradicating itself of its dead skin cells. This cycle gets out of whack or becomes abnormal while climate and other environmental forces or overall body health at the time. It can cause your hormones and their effect on your own body's sebum development to increase that is bad for your complexion however outstanding for breeding acne.

When the body's function of shedding dead skin cells becomes unstable, the normal dead skin cells which combine with your body's natural sebum oil because it drains through the skin surface become clogged and cause blocked pores. This stuff becomes somewhat sticky and further clogging the passageway. This allows the incubating and cultivating of bacteria which starts to grow around these clogged areas.

As a normal reaction, your body's white blood cells attack the bacteria by fighting it and pushing it out of the body. The outcome of this battle between the white blood cells and bacteria leads to a growth normally within 14-day to 21-days. These growths are referred to as microcomedones which turn into comedones and commonly referred to as adult acne.

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Understanding Your Acne Treatment

By David Lam

There are several acne treatment methods which work well and are not very time consuming or expensive. Such techniques would be the treatment with alpha hydroxyl acid or several forms of chemical peels which can do wonders for zit treatments. These methods of curing acne are proven and effective and many cases of patients suffering from aggravated pimple irritation found these to be the perfect acne treatment.

Adult Acne Treatment Method

The causes of acne are related to the changes that happen when a child passes from infancy to puberty. Many people still believe that acne is triggered by dirty skin. The truth is that to only wash your skin will not make acne disappear nor does it avoid it.

Adult acne treatment methods works just like those who addressed to other age of groups. Washing the skin will helps to remove the dead skin cells and the excess of sebum and adults should be aware of this as well. Many people use the type of product like exfoliate creams and alcoholic detergents often irritating the skin more than clearing it!

Adult acne treatment approaches should also think about the psychological and social effects of adult acne. Clean the face two times a day in a delicate way with water and delicate detergent is the best choice. But acne is caused from a complex array of biological factors which cannot be eliminated just by washing. For this reason, it is necessary to begin a serious adult acne treatment focused on the problem of acne.

Myths and Facts of Adult Acne Treatment

For some cases, acne may also occur in the adult age. This type of acne usually hits the skin of the face but also the one of the body and men are more exposed than women. Adult acne treatment for women takes into account the fact that the occurrence of this kind of acne is parallel to the menstrual cycle.

In other cases, the acne is happened randomly in the adult age as this type of acne plagues women and men alike. Acne will not cause by food however some food items do have the possible to aggravate the skin. To follow a tight diet will not help too much in improving your skin.

While some may think that their acne problem is aggravated from the foods they consume like the chocolate, drinks, fat oysters and foods. However there are no scientific tests that demonstrate this being true. It's not a mistake to avoid the fatter foods however a focused and well-applied adult acne treatment is also necessary in order to get rid of this annoying condition.

There are a few ways to get rid of zits in adulthood. The most successful acne treatment methods may include laser acne treatment, acne rosacea treatment and acne blemish laser treatment. Consult with your dermatologist to find out which adult acne removal treatment will work suitable for you.

Alpha Hydroxyl Acid Acne Treatment

Also called ascorbic acid in the medical community, this technique normally focuses on improving the levels of oil in the skin. It really reduces the oil amount produced by the skin thus diminishing the chances of acne eruptions. Alpha hydroxyl acid also diminishes the number of dead skin cells so that your face looks healthier and with less irritation.

This particular acne care treatment is effective when applied in the early or mid stages of the acne problem however it also used in severe acne treatment. The acid can be found in several acne treatment ointments and drugs.

Chemical Peels Acne Treatment

In most cases, chemical peel acne treatments are applied to remove lines under the eyes and around the mouth as well as sun-damaged skin, mild scarring, age spots and other skin problems. This acne treatment may include this tip in which the dermatologist applies a certain chemical substance to the skin. The targeted spot will swelling and can be peeled off.

This acne care treatment is effective mostly for removing scars especially in the facial area. The treatment of acne is accompanies by some heat and stinging sensation, a fact that most patients found acceptable given the efficiency of acne treatment.

There are some other methods for treating acne such as laser treatment or home remedies. In order to get the best treatment for your pimple and zits, you should meet with your doctor or dermatologist.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Get The Best Acne Treatment

By David Lam

Acne is influences the majority of teenagers and a very large number of adults as well. It can be cured by using various different methods with prices ranging from relatively inexpensive to incredibly expensive. But the best acne treatments are those that treat acne from inside the body as well as on the surface of the skin.

The name of the package actually does not matter as much as what is inside the package. Some ingredients have shown to be effective for treating acne while others do not seem to have any affect at all. Some ingredients are completely safe while other's have risks associated with them. What you use to cure your acne is up to you but it is important that you make informed decisions in order to find the best acne treatment.

Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most excellent ingredients found in a large majority of acne medications but there is some controversy surrounding this chemical. It has been related to skin cancer and it is on the FDA's ensuring list. This means that while it has been approved by the FDA for human use, the FDA cannot say that it is perfectly safe to use but the FDA has not determined that it is unsafe either.

Some of the most effective acne treatments for majority people who suffer with acne are Retin-A, ProActiv and Accutane. This does not mean that these acne medications suitable for anybody. It just means that it is particularly work for the majority of people who use these treatments.

ProActiv is a three step topical acne fighting system that does not require a prescription while it does include prescription grade Benzoyl peroxide. Accutane is another type of oral prescription acne medication. There are many side affects related with the use of Accutane such as chapped lips, eye irritation, headaches and dry skin. Some people even have some psychological side effects like depression.

Due to critical birth defects, Accutane cannot be given to women who are pregnant or nursing. Retin-A has very few unsafe side effects and is available in both prescription and over-the-counter forms. It is applied to treat a variety of skin problems other than acne as well including scars, discoloration, wrinkles and lines.

Whenever using one of these products is of interest to you, you should begin with ProActiv. If ProActiv does not work for you, then you should consider Retin-A. Try to avoid using Accutane but if you do decide that you want to give Accutane a try, make sure that you weigh the possible side effects carefully.

The best acne treatments are not always the best for everyone. What worked for others may make your acne to become worse. Work to get the best acne treatment for you and make sure you give it time to work!

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