Monday, November 23, 2015

Legal Highs

By Alex D White

The legal highs have been found to be around for a long time but stay out of focussed from the people. Recently individuals have turned themselves towards it and have heavily got influenced by the "legal highs". The legal highs have truly found to be popular among the youth. The legal highs are legal substances but it still worries people if their children get addicted to it, enter a shop and buy the legal highs or hallucinogens without any fear. But parents worry whether they should be concerned about the health implications of the substances and if they are consumable.

Salvia Divinorum is the most preferred and the most used legal high, it is otherwise also said to be an herbal high. Basically it is an herbal high that is created using the herbs that are grown or found on the grounds. Mexico is said to be the origin of this herbs, but the herb is available and sold in almost every part of the world. The herb is sold in various types of quantities so the effects of the herbs differ subsequently. The usage of a bong is preferred while smoking the herb as it is found to be more effective, compared to using it as a cigarette.

The Salvia is an herb but a legal high, there are psychoactive substances which are not herbs but prepared using various compounds to get high. Such legal highs are prepared using various substances so we might not know the constituents of it. The legal highs are called because of the process involved in preparing it.

The legal high is prepared using a simple process, all a legal high manufacturer needs to do is to change the chemical composition of a drug classed as illegal. The process of changing the structure of the compound is what makes the drug legal. Just because the structure changes but the effect of the chemical remains the same the product is said to be a legal drug. The durability of the drug produced in such way might varybut you can find them legally on any market for a very long time.

Why are they Not Good? "Legal Highs" are the reason for death of about 1500 individuals every year in the U.S alone, however this number got decrease in the year 2011. The number of deaths continues to increase from 4000 every year to 8000 throughout the year. The reason these highs possess such threat because it is available to anyone at their own convenience and anyone can buy and use them at their wish. Not only that but legal highs are also found to have some of the harsh and horrifying psychological effects on an individual such as murder, suicide and also dementia.

The change in the composition of the new legal drugs are not only unknown for the body but also not known by the health professional. If a person consumes a legal high and gets affected by it, due to the change in composition even the health specialist won't be able to detect the problem.

It is difficult to detect the over does of legal drugs. The drips and test are used to check particular highs and it might show different complications with the legal highs. There is a set of steps and procedure followed to test the illegal highs; it is not possible with legal highs due to the lack of research and information.

Now which you could emerge as a chemical dependency counsellor by discovering an application with "rapid monitor Certification" on the way to get you licensed and put you on the entrance lines of the Drug struggle so you could make a difference.

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