Sunday, January 25, 2015

Paraben Free Beauty Products Benefits

By Janine Hughes

The cosmetics that we use every day play an important role in keeping us looking good. Unfortunately, some of them can also make us ill or disrupt the normal function of our bodies. It is really important to be selective about the lotion, hair treatments and creams that form part of our style regimen. Read more to learn how you can protect your health by using paraben free beauty products.

Parabens can cause certain cancers to develop, just like smoking or asbestos. Doctors are not yet sure how much the presence of the chemical in a person's body can affect their likelihood of developing cancer. However, the information that they have so far is worrying enough for many people to stay away from the toxin.

Surgeons who did operations on women who were affected by malignancies in their breast found that the level of toxin was fairly high in many of them. Several had at least one type of this toxin in their tissue sample. Others had as many as five different types of the chemical there. Some of the samples that were examined were taken from tissue in the armpit while most was from the breast.

Endocrine gland damage is one of the disorders linked to paraben use. These chemicals send fake signals to the glands. This makes them stop producing the type of chemicals that they should. It also makes the endocrine glands stop making the quantity of each hormone that they should. That causes a lot of problems for both women and men.

Men can be affected negatively by these hormone disruptors too since they use several lotions, shampoos and other cosmetics on a regular basis. These are just as likely to contain a paraben as the makeup that is used by women. This puts a man at definite risk of affecting his fertility. Research has shown that the toxin can cause the quality of sperm to decrease noticeably and that is a serious issue.

Parabens behave like estrogens in the body. This means that they can actually fool the body into behaving as though naturally produced estrogen is present when it is not. That causes a problem for young boys, who my develop females characteristics such as breasts as a result. Young girls may start menstruation early or have other issues due to the toxin.

There are many consumers who use lotions and other items from leading manufacturers every day, which lack parabens. Quite a few artisan brands which are smaller and high quality also go the route of staying away from the toxins. This means it is not hard to avoid these chemicals if you choose to do so.

Lots more people are choosing to apply toxin free beauty products because they are safer. The information contained here should equip you to make your own decision about these cosmetics. Choose wisely for yourself. However, you should also remember to choose well for children who are part of your family.

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