Thursday, November 1, 2012

Boils Treatment Review By People Who Have Had Them

By Don Williams

Boils are open sores on the surface of the skin. They are caused by infected hair follicles. The mammalian hair follicle is the organ responsible for producing each individual hair. Boils treatment reviews from actual sufferers often contain advice about effective home remedies.

A mammalian hair follicle is composed of a surprising number of parts. There is a papilla composed of connective tissue and a small loop of capillary, the smallest type of blood vessel. The matrix is a collection of cells from which most of the other structures of the follicle are derived. Because the hair matrix is one of the fastest areas of dividing cells in the body, it is the reason that hair falls out during chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which kill dividing cells.

The sheath of the hair root has two distinct layers, inner and outer. The inner sheath is made up of three separate layers. The innermost layer is made up of cuticle. Henle's layer, the middle layer, is composed of nucleated cells shaped like cubes. Nuclei appear flat. The outermost layer, Huxley's, is made up of one or more layers of nucleated flat, horny cells.

The fiber of the hair itself is made up of a structural protein called keratin. It is found in skin, nails and hair. Another structure of the follicle is called the bulge. This contains undifferentiated stem cells that are involved in wound healing.

Other structures involved in the hair follicle include the arector pili muscle, sebaceous (oil-secreting glands), sweat glands and hair follicle receptors that actually sense the position of the hair.

Boils are caused by bacteria known as staphylococci. Those who are most vulnerable to getting them include people with diabetes, who are malnourished, taking immunosuppresant drugs or on antibiotics. Left to their own devices, a boil will eventually rupture naturally without incident.

When a boil ruptures, it is crucial to keep the area scrupulously clean until complete healing has taken place. Used dressings should be disposed of safely and all bedding and clothing washed thoroughly in extremely hot water.

Most boils treatment reviews suggest simple home remedies like applying a hot compress or simple home solutions such as warm, salty water or apple cider vinegar. Any large, spongy boils should be reported to a medical professional such as a doctor or a nurse.

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