Thursday, August 18, 2011

Acne Help - Acne Solution With No Drugs

By Tom Michaels

One of the most well liked acne fighting products on the market today is Proactiv Solution. And a standard query on health forums is, does Proactiv work?

The straightforward answer is yes, though not always for everyone. Everyone's skin is dissimilar. And some acne cases are more severe than others.

Insistent and dreadful acne which has not answered to treatment with standard medicines like Proactiv, home-made treatments or

natural treatment regimes may need the intervention of a skin specialist and one of the treatments these

professionals can offer.

Before agreeing to any kind of mechanical acne treatment it is vital you completely understand the character of what

your doctor is proposing, the costs for the full course of treatment and the probable complications. When

attending a dermatology practice for a consultation regarding your acne and possible surgical treatments it's a

brilliant idea to take someone with you who can perhaps listen more objectively whilst the options are presented to


Surgery could be suggested if cysts have formed that are not responding to antibiotics or other drug regimes. It's

crucial to have any surgical intervention done correctly in a sterile environment by a properly qualified

professional. Unpleasant acne zits pulsating on a sore face are painful and there can be a temptation to self-

treat but this may and will lead directly to a worsening of the infection and could cause permanent scarring. Let the

nurse, dermatological doctor or beauty consultant help you. They know what they are doing and will drain the infected matter

from the cyst without introducing more bacteria while minimising the chance of scarring.

Peels and scrubs can be employed to remove the layer of dead cells which form the outer layer of the skin. You

can buy preparations over the counter or may be offered a better chemical peel by your doctor. While

peels and scrubs may improve the appearance of an area impacted by acne, in the near term, care must be taken

the skin is not over-stimulated as this will well complicate things in the long term. Only use the nastier

products on acne on the information of your doctor. For home therapy stick to mild mild products that work to

calm the skin and the acne condition.

Dealing with blocked pores is an essential part of stopping a deteriorating of the acne. This does not mean it is

OK to pick and poke at the blackheads on your nose! These have to be removed professionally. Go to a beauty therapist

and have them removed softly and safely making sure the area treated is then calmed with a calming antibiotic


Acne help may also be acquired from a laser acne solution. This is another treatment offered by a suitably

trained pro. Laser treatment for acne is still a controversial subject in the medical profession.

The laser is applied to the affected area and a talented technician will alter the force of the beam to

destroy enlarged and over-active sebaceous glands and refine damaged areas of skin without causing laser burns.

If you consider laser acne treatment do seek a referral from your dermatologist or dermatological doctor.

Acne treatments that don't involve drugs tend to be targeted on bettering the appearance of the skin and removing

large, determined cysts and lesions. Laser treatments for acne claim to treat the underlying reason for acne,

overactive and infected sebaceous glands, though mainstream medicine has not entirely advocated the technology -


It's really important, as an acne sufferer, that you are well informed of your acne solution options when seeking

acne help.

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