Wednesday, July 6, 2011

An Examination About How To Pop Pimples Correctly

By Eugene Yeng

The best policy when one develops a skin blemish is to leave it alone, yet since this is not always followed, its good to know how to pop pimples correctly. One should begin by carefully cleaning the area around the pimple. Carefully follow the steps advised to force the pus from the skin. Clean the skin with an antiseptic solution when finished.

A pimple is an infected area of the skin which is filled with pus, basically made up of white blood cells which are fighting the infection, and bacteria. The danger associated with popping a blemish is that one can spread the bacteria, which may cause more pimples to emerge on the surrounding area. To avoid this from happening, a little preparation is recommended.

If the infected area is red, but there is no sign of a small pore or white spot, one should wait until that is visible. Some sources advocate using a needle to open the pimple, but this can complicate the situation by introducing more bacteria from the needle into the skin. This could also cause the bacteria inside the pimple to spread into surrounding tissues if the needle pierces beyond the infected area.

Taking a clean wash cloth dampened with hot water, gently dab the area for about fifteen minutes to soften and clean the skin. Then sanitize the hands with antibacterial soap and dry them using a paper towel. Using a tissue soaked in salicylic acid, an acne treatment which opens pores and helps to shed skin, or rubbing alcohol, clean the infected area to sanitize it.

Exfoliate the skin using the damp tissue to get rid of dead skin cells. With the area cleaned of bacteria and the skin softened up, it has been prepared to proceed to popping the pimple. One should avoid using their bare hands despite the fact they have been sanitized.

To keep ones hands from coming into contact with any bacteria, it may be best to use a Q tip, broken in half and taking half in each hand to exert pressure on the inflamed area. Or one may don gloves or wrap their fingers in tissue paper. Press gently with a massaging motion on either side to drive the pus from the pimple, which should happen easily due to the skin being softened.

Continue pressing until the pus is removed and stop as soon as any red blood emerges. If one pushes too hard, the bacteria may be pushed into the surrounding tissue and cause a new infection. Make sure to cleanse the spot using rubbing alcohol or another antiseptic.

To ensure that all the bacteria on the surface or in the pimple is dealt with, put a little bead of benzoyl peroxide, an acne treatment, directly on it. Covering the area with makeup or moisturizer is not recommended for the process of how to pop pimples correctly. To eliminate the possibility of scarring or reinfection, this is a good strategy. Give your skin a day to recover, and its appearance will justify the extra care taken.

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